How Can Boundaries Lead to Better Working Relationships?


    How Can Boundaries Lead to Better Working Relationships?

    In the dynamic world of freelancing, setting clear boundaries can be the cornerstone of a successful partnership. We've gathered insights from four professionals, including CEOs and Founders, on how establishing limits has enhanced their collaborations. From establishing expectations for availability to clarifying rules to enhance creativity, discover how these boundaries have led to more productive and positive client relationships.

    • Establish Expectations for Availability
    • Prevent Scope Creep with Documented Agreements
    • Set Firm Boundaries for Quality Work
    • Clarify Rules to Enhance Creativity

    Establish Expectations for Availability

    Our current society is digitally connected 24/7, which can create headaches for freelancers in terms of establishing regular working hours. We have the benefit of being able to work anywhere at any time. But that doesn't mean we choose to, and clients who call or email outside of business hours can make freelancers feel forced to respond as a way to provide good service.

    With clients in multiple time zones and countries, I quickly learned to be clear about when I was available for questions and consultations. I set the expectation upfront about when clients should expect an email response from me, usually within a business day. This takes the pressure off me to respond during non-working hours without sacrificing quality service.

    Alli Hill
    Alli HillFounder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

    Prevent Scope Creep with Documented Agreements

    From my experience, clear boundaries with clients are essential, especially in the context of service delivery and project management. During my tenure at Dental SEO Expert, we had a project where we were redesigning a dental clinic's website. Initially, the scope kept expanding due to the client's frequent new requests. To address this, we set a firm boundary by defining the project scope in a documented agreement. We outlined specific deliverables and timelines, and we communicated that any additional requests would require separate discussion and potentially additional contracts. This approach prevented scope creep and ensured that both teams were aligned on expectations.

    In my opinion, regular communication is key to maintaining a good working relationship, particularly when boundaries have been set. For the aforementioned project, we established scheduled weekly meetings to update the client on our progress and discuss any concerns. This helped in managing the client's expectations and provided a forum for addressing any issues within the context of the agreed project scope. By keeping communication lines open and structured, we were able to maintain project momentum and keep the client engaged without overstepping the boundaries set at the outset.

    The results speak for themselves. By the end of the project, not only did we launch the website on time and within the agreed scope, but the client also reported a significant improvement in user engagement. The new website experienced a 30% increase in traffic and a 20% increase in patient inquiries within the first two months post-launch.

    Ihor Lavrenenko
    Ihor LavrenenkoCEO, Dental SEO Expert

    Set Firm Boundaries for Quality Work

    I set strong limits with a demanding client. In an understanding but firm email, I established my working hours, pathways of communication, and revision restrictions. There was just a tiny chill initially, but then something unexpected happened. The client became attentive to my time and provided brief feedback within prearranged timeframes. This assisted me in concentrating, which resulted in higher-quality work promptly. The project evolved into an efficient collaboration based on communication and specific expectations. It showed me that setting limitations isn't an obstruction but a means of creating a happier, more successful working environment.

    Faizan Khan
    Faizan KhanPublic Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy Australia

    Clarify Rules to Enhance Creativity

    I once worked on a project where the client had big ideas but wasn't too clear about what they exactly wanted or when. To make sure we both ended up happy, I suggested we sit down and spell out exactly what needed to be done, how we'd talk to each other, and how we'd handle feedback. We put all this in our contract.

    This step made everything smoother. We avoided extra work that wasn't planned for and really focused on moving forward in our meetings, rather than getting stuck on confusions or unrealistic expectations.

    I learned a lot from this. Setting clear rules at the beginning doesn't limit creativity; it actually helps it grow by giving it a clear playground to play in. This project ended well, the client was happy, and they even came back to work with us again. It showed me how important it is to be open and organized right from the start to build strong and effective working relationships.

    Swena Kalra
    Swena KalraChief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.