How Do You Ensure Healthy Work-Life Balance?


    How Do You Ensure Healthy Work-Life Balance?

    Striking the perfect work-life balance is crucial for small business owners, so we've gathered six strategies from founders and CEOs to guide you. From setting firm boundaries for recharging to planning work around natural energy rhythms, these leaders offer a glimpse into the practices that have helped them find equilibrium.

    • Set Firm Boundaries for Recharging
    • Embrace the Power of 'No'
    • Delegate to Trusted Operations Managers
    • Prioritize Effective Delegation and Time Management
    • Implement a Four-Day Workweek
    • Plan Work Around Natural Energy Rhythms

    Set Firm Boundaries for Recharging

    Achieving a healthy work-life balance has always been a priority for me, especially after the grind of paying off my student loans so aggressively early on. I know firsthand how easy it is for the demanding hustle of entrepreneurship to completely consume your life.

    One tactic that has been incredibly effective for me is setting firm boundaries around my schedules and availability. For example, I institutionalized taking Saturdays completely off—no work whatsoever. This allows me to recharge and be fully present with my family and friends. During the workweek, I aim to wrap up by 6 p.m. every evening unless there are critical deadlines. Enforcing these boundaries creates much-needed restorative time away from work.

    But beyond schedules, it's just as important to me to be intentional about integrating work and life when possible. Instead of completely separating the two, I'll craft opportunities for overlap like taking a vacation but cafe-working remotely for part of it, or doing work strategy sessions outside at a park. It's about thoughtfully blending both worlds in a sustainable way. Perfect balance may be impossible, but with discipline and creativity, you can absolutely thrive across all life's key dimensions.

    Brian Meiggs
    Brian MeiggsFounder, My Millennial Guide

    Embrace the Power of 'No'

    Finding work-life balance as a business owner is like juggling flaming swords—entertaining to watch but terrifying when you're in the middle of it. One tactic that's worked wonders for me is embracing the power of 'no.' Early on, I said yes to every opportunity and ended up burning the candle at both ends. Realizing this wasn't sustainable, I started prioritizing tasks that truly aligned with my goals and values, politely declining those that didn't. It's like decluttering your closet—once you remove the unnecessary, what's left feels more manageable and fulfilling. Balancing work and life isn't about perfect harmony but finding those moments where you're not just surviving but thriving, both personally and professionally.

    Phil Laboon
    Phil LaboonCEO, Leadstacker

    Delegate to Trusted Operations Managers

    As a small-business owner, it can be difficult not to burn the candle at both ends. This is especially true in project-based work, where missing a deadline can have such a significant impact. In the construction industry, jobs are often adversely affected by all manner of things beyond my control; however, letting clients down is not an option. This is where trusted deputies come in to help me maintain a work-life balance. Always having capable, qualified operations managers in place means that I know I can get some much-needed rest time, whilst being completely confident that the customer’s job is being well looked after.

    Ben Holliday
    Ben HollidayManaging Director, Fortis Heavy Lift Group

    Prioritize Effective Delegation and Time Management

    As the owner of an electrical company, projects are always moving fast, but making sure to achieve a healthy work-life balance has been crucial for my well-being and the success of my business. One of the key strategies I've implemented is effective delegation. I’ve been lucky enough to have built a trustworthy and capable team, so I am able to delegate tasks and responsibilities, allowing me to focus on both work and personal life. This has improved my efficiency and also empowers my team to take ownership and grow in their roles.

    I also prioritize time management by setting clear boundaries and scheduling dedicated time for family and personal activities. This helps make sure that I am present in both my professional and personal life, preventing burnout and maintaining a harmonious balance. I have always been committed to fostering a positive and supportive work environment for my team. Being able to find a balance between work and family life, I am able to lead effectively and maintain a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

    Tim Hodnicki
    Tim HodnickiPresident, Electrical Experts

    Implement a Four-Day Workweek

    As a small-business owner, I've had my fair share of burnouts. I've struggled with the endless juggling and refusal to switch off; I've read emails at the dinner table and answered customer inquiries at 2 a.m. Turning 40 made me realize that endless working and exhaustion are not the reasons I started my small business. I actually set the business up with a goal of striking the perfect work-life balance. Reminding myself why I started was a game changer—to be more present for my kids. For me, a 4-day workweek is key. I am more productive on work days, and I (mostly) switch off when I'm not working.

    Emma West
    Emma WestFounder and CMO, pogofandango

    Plan Work Around Natural Energy Rhythms

    Achieving a work-life balance was something I struggled with in the early days. There was always something that needed my attention, day and night. Years on, I've figured out an approach that works for me. I divide my day into sections based on energy levels and commitments, slotting my work and private life into spots that fit with my energy.

    I'm now living my life to the beat of my own drum, planning according to my natural rhythm. Essentially, I blast through tasks as they're scheduled at the time I'm best equipped to focus on them.

    Tori Bell
    Tori BellDigital PR Specialist, PR With Tori