What Critical Decision Contributed to Your Business's Growth?


    What Critical Decision Contributed to Your Business's Growth?

    Running a business can often feel like navigating uncharted waters, where every decision can set the course for survival or success. Insights from founders and directors show that strategic choices can lead to expansive growth. These seasoned professionals share 14 crucial decisions that have paved their way to business success and growth.

    • Specialize in Niche Legal Services
    • Invest in Digital Marketing Tools
    • Switch to Subscription-Based Pricing Model
    • Invest in Personal Skill Development
    • Transition to Flat-Fee Pricing Model
    • Rebrand for Improved Visibility
    • Diversify Product Offerings
    • Invest in Advanced Equipment Early
    • Delegate Operational Tasks
    • Add Live Chat for Client Engagement
    • Focus on Community Engagement
    • Commit to Creative Strategy for Growth
    • Focus on Effective Marketing Channels
    • Say Yes to All Opportunities

    Specialize in Niche Legal Services

    As the founder of a legal-process-outsourcing company, one critical decision that significantly contributed to our growth was shifting our focus toward specializing in niche legal services rather than offering a broad range.

    Early on, we tried to cater to all kinds of legal needs, but I realized that focusing on high-demand areas, like contract review and litigation support, allowed us to stand out in a competitive market.

    This decision came after a conversation with a long-term client who pointed out how our expertise in these specific areas made us their go-to partner.

    By narrowing our focus, we streamlined operations, became more efficient, and attracted clients seeking specialized services, which fueled our growth. The lesson here was that embracing specialization can lead to deeper client trust and long-term success.

    Aseem Jha
    Aseem JhaFounder, Legal Consulting Pro

    Invest in Digital Marketing Tools

    One life-changing decision that contributed to our growth was investing heavily in digital marketing and automation tools. At the time, our team was growing, and managing leads manually was becoming a real bottleneck. I realized we needed to streamline how we were handling client inquiries and follow-ups if we wanted to scale efficiently. So, I made the choice to integrate a CRM system that allowed us to automate emails, track client interactions, and keep our sales pipeline organized.

    At the same time, we invested in targeted online advertising, which gave us more visibility and helped us reach a much broader audience than relying on traditional methods alone. The result was immediate—we were able to handle more leads without losing the personal touch, and our close rates went up because we were responding faster and more effectively. That decision not only improved our efficiency but also positioned us as more tech-forward, which resonated with the younger, more tech-savvy buyers we were targeting.

    Samantha Odo
    Samantha OdoReal Estate Sales Representative & Montreal Division Manager, Precondo

    Switch to Subscription-Based Pricing Model

    Initially, we offered a one-time purchase option for our software. It made sense at the time, as it was an immediate way to provide cash flow, which we needed in order to further develop our product and invest in our growth. However, we ended up rethinking the strategy and switching to a subscription-based pricing model instead. This was a critical moment for our business that completely redefined our trajectory.

    By implementing this change, we could generate consistent revenue and build long-term relationships with our customers. We could switch our focus from expanding our market to increasing our value by investing in new features and capabilities. Ultimately, this shift not only stabilized our revenue stream but also allowed us to evolve with the market, continuously adapt to changes, and guarantee our longevity in the facilities management industry.

    Martin Wild
    Martin WildManaging Director, Kinnovis

    Invest in Personal Skill Development

    I think the single biggest contributor to our business's growth has been investing in my own skill set. Small business owners are expected to wear many hats, spin several plates, and be experts at everything, including things we have not trained in. In the last ten years, I have invested in professional camera equipment and online studies to learn how to take better product photography and make better social media content. I have also studied digital marketing, SEO, and customer service.

    By investing in myself, I am able to take on more of these roles myself, rather than relying on external companies and services. Not only has this been of significant benefit to my business, helping us to grow our website traffic, social media following, and sales, but it has also enabled me to be a more confident, capable business owner.

    Emma West
    Emma WestFounder and CMO, pogofandango

    Transition to Flat-Fee Pricing Model

    At Right Lawyers, one critical decision that significantly contributed to our growth was transitioning from an hourly-billing model to a flat-fee structure for uncontested divorces. Early on, we noticed that clients were hesitant to engage because they were unsure how much their case would ultimately cost, especially for relatively straightforward legal matters like uncontested divorces.

    We decided to offer a flat-fee pricing model for these cases, clearly outlining the total cost upfront. This change made our services more predictable and accessible, reducing the fear of unexpected legal fees. It also allowed us to market the simplicity and transparency of our pricing, which resonated strongly with potential clients.

    The result was a substantial increase in inquiries and conversions. Clients appreciated knowing exactly what they would pay, and the clarity helped build trust right from the start. By offering flat-fee services, we were able to differentiate ourselves from competitors, particularly in a market where legal fees are often seen as unpredictable or excessive.

    This decision not only boosted our client base but also streamlined our operations. With predictable pricing, we were able to handle cases more efficiently, increasing the volume of clients we could serve while maintaining high-quality service. It was a win-win for both the firm and our clients, and it became a foundational element of our marketing and service strategy as we continued to grow.

    Rock Rocheleau
    Rock RocheleauFounder & Attorney, Right Lawyers

    Rebrand for Improved Visibility


    As a small business with a small marketing budget, rebranding my business was one of the most challenging decisions I had to make...

    The end result—a constant flow of new inbound leads and a significant improvement in the bottom line.

    Since rebranding, revenue, profits, and the size of the team have all increased. Not to mention the level of service our customers now receive.

    So, how can rebranding be such a huge contributor to all of the above?

    Simple: by rebranding to a highly searched-for topic, focusing on one of the primary services we offer to our local market. This allows us to change our Google My Business profile name, domain, and business name.

    We are now on the first page of Google for "Web Design Essex." With minimal effort into SEO, saving a lot of money on marketing and time.

    To conclude, sometimes some of the toughest, most critical decisions we have to make in business turn out to be the most beneficial in the long run. Tough times do not last, but tough people do!

    Ben Hughes
    Ben HughesDirector, Web Design Essex

    Diversify Product Offerings

    One critical decision that significantly contributed to my floral business's growth was the choice to diversify our product offerings beyond traditional flower arrangements. Initially, we focused solely on bouquets and centerpieces, but after observing customer trends and feedback, I realized there was a growing demand for related products, like potted plants, succulent arrangements, and even floral subscription services. By expanding our inventory to include these items, we not only attracted a broader customer base but also increased our average order value. This shift allowed us to cater to various occasions and preferences, making our shop a go-to destination for both gifts and home decor.

    Additionally, this decision came with the implementation of seasonal workshops where customers could learn how to create their own arrangements or care for plants. These workshops not only generated additional revenue but also fostered a sense of community around our brand. Customers who attended often became repeat buyers, eager to purchase supplies or finished products from us after experiencing the joy of creating their own floral designs. This combination of product diversification and community engagement has been instrumental in driving sustained growth for my business.

    Sophie Marasco
    Sophie MarascoFounder, Thanks A Bunch Florist

    Invest in Advanced Equipment Early

    A critical decision that fueled our growth at Ponce Tree Services was investing in advanced equipment early on, despite the financial risk. It allowed us to take on bigger projects more efficiently, which opened doors to larger clients. This, combined with our commitment to exceptional customer service, helped us build a solid reputation and generate word-of-mouth referrals. By focusing on long-term gains over short-term savings, we set the foundation for sustainable growth. It is a move that continues to pay off as we expand.

    Amaury Ponce
    Amaury PonceBusiness Owner, Ponce Tree Services

    Delegate Operational Tasks

    One of the most critical decisions I made for my business was the shift to delegating operational tasks and focusing more on high-level strategy. Early on, I was deeply involved in every aspect, from recruitment to day-to-day operations. But as the business grew, it became clear that I was limiting its potential by not stepping back. I hired key managers to handle specific areas like sales and logistics, which allowed me to concentrate on scaling, client relationships, and strategic partnerships. This move not only freed up my time but also empowered my team to take ownership of their roles, driving overall growth. It was a pivotal moment that helped us expand faster and more efficiently.

    Ronald Osborne
    Ronald OsborneFounder, Ronald Osborne Business Coach

    Add Live Chat for Client Engagement

    A critical decision I made in the last 90 days that significantly contributed to my business's growth was recognizing that people don't want to talk on the phone anymore. I noticed a sharp decline in phone inquiries, as most clients now prefer texting or emailing. To address this shift, I added a live-chat feature to my website to see how it would impact engagement with potential clients.

    The results were immediate. Traffic to my site increased to over 1,000 unique visitors per week, and live chat allowed me to engage directly with clients, answering questions in real-time. This change boosted inquiries and bookings, providing clients with the quick, personalized responses they wanted. It has also helped capture leads that may have otherwise been lost.

    One key benefit of live chat is that it provides an easy, non-intrusive way for clients to ask questions without the pressure of a phone call. Many, especially younger clients, are more comfortable texting, and by meeting them where they are, I've created a more accessible environment. With real-time communication, I can provide quick information and help clients book or clarify details on the spot.

    Live chat also adds a personal touch. While emails and automated responses can feel impersonal, live chat assures clients there's a natural person on the other end, which builds trust and rapport. I can tailor conversations to client needs, whether they're browsing trips or planning a special occasion, offering personalized customer service for those who value convenience.

    Adapting to new communication preferences has been critical to my business's growth. As business owners, we can't rely on outdated methods or expect clients to engage like they did years ago. Live chat has modernized my business, making it easier for clients to connect with us, and I've seen positive feedback from this change.

    For small-business owners, I highly recommend adding live chat to your website strategy. It's been invaluable for driving growth and creating meaningful connections. This decision has provided a competitive edge in today's world, where instant communication is vital.

    Tammy Levent
    Tammy LeventFounder & CEO, Elite Travel Management Group, Inc.

    Focus on Community Engagement

    Reflecting on my journey as a small-business owner, a critical decision I made was to focus heavily on community engagement. When I opened Healing Hands Chiropractic in Murfreesboro, I committed to not just serving my patients but becoming an active part of our community. This meant volunteering at local events, partnering with other health professionals, and even supporting local sports teams as a team chiropractor.

    By doing this, I built strong relationships and trust within the community, which naturally led to patient referrals and business growth. This approach turned our practice into a staple of the area and allowed us to grow organically while remaining true to our core mission of promoting health and wellness.

    Dr. Amanda Dee Richardson
    Dr. Amanda Dee RichardsonOwner and Chiropractor, Healing Hands Chiropractic

    Commit to Creative Strategy for Growth

    One of the most critical decisions I made that significantly contributed to our business's growth was recognizing the transformative power of creative strategy for mission-driven organizations and committing to build that as the foundation of our work. Early on, we realized that nonprofits and small businesses often struggle to communicate their value in ways that truly connect with their audiences. We made the decision to focus on refining their creative positioning and storytelling, knowing that when their message resonates deeply, their impact multiplies.

    This shift wasn’t just about offering creative services—it was about helping organizations lay the groundwork for long-term growth by ensuring their audiences understand, trust, and advocate for their mission. Once we implemented this approach through initiatives like The Unless Project, we saw nonprofits we partnered with elevate their visibility, inspire stronger community engagement, and ultimately, expand their impact. This decision has been monumental in driving both their success and our own growth as a business.

    Simon RogersFounder/CEO, A Little Better Co.

    Focus on Effective Marketing Channels

    One decision that definitely stands out during our initial growth phase was the decision based on the advice we received from a founder of a well-known U.S. startup. The advice was to find the marketing channels that work and just focus on them. When just starting out with limited funds, team members, and knowledge, it is neither worth it nor sustainable to keep finding new marketing channels when you have already found one that works. When we stopped wasting energy on unnecessary channels and just focused on 2-3 channels that were showing the best results, it was a game-changer!

    Grigory Silanyan
    Grigory SilanyanFounder, ReadPartner Inc.

    Say Yes to All Opportunities

    When you're running your own small business, it can be tempting to narrow your focus and do one thing exceptionally well. However, by doing so, you may miss out on other opportunities to grow your business in different areas. One critical decision I made early on was to say yes to every marketing opportunity that came my way. Even if the client was running the most obscure business, I kept agreeing to work alongside them. This was significant not only in opening up more doors for growth but also in validating areas where I had considered expanding, even though I wasn't sure if there were viable clients in those markets.

    Ali Gradert
    Ali GradertFounder, Clement Designs and Consulting