What Obstacles Have You Overcome to Win a Client Or Contract?


    What Obstacles Have You Overcome to Win a Client Or Contract?

    In the competitive world of small business, overcoming hurdles to secure clients is a testament to tenacity and innovation. From turning a delivery delay into a success to convincing a skeptical client with a personalized approach, we've gathered eight compelling stories from Founders and Chief Officers. Discover how these determined professionals navigated significant obstacles to win over clients and contracts.

    • Turned Delivery Delay Into Success
    • Proven Track Record Wins Contract
    • Overcame Supplier Setback with New Partnerships
    • Targeted Content Strategy Secures Training Contract
    • Personal Touch Outshines Larger Competitors
    • Custom Development and Trust Win Client
    • Personalized Proposal Overcomes Underdog Perception
    • Personalized Approach Convinces Skeptical Client

    Turned Delivery Delay Into Success

    Yeah, I vividly remember one specific time.

    There was a time we were late on a delivery for a fashion micro-influencer from Mumbai, India. She was really upset and angry, even though the delay happened because the person in charge had to take an emergency leave. To make it right, we offered her a free one-hour consultation for her personal branding. She loved it so much that she completely forgot about the delay. Now, she's a regular client and has referred four more people to us in the past 12 months. What started as a challenge turned into a great long-term relationship!

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediFounder & Creative Director, Ohh My Brand

    Proven Track Record Wins Contract

    We faced a situation where the client was initially drawn to a competitor who offered a better price. However, we emphasized our long-standing experience, strong customer reviews, and the fact that we have a full, dedicated team—not just a one-man operation. By showing how our comprehensive support and automation systems would add value beyond the initial price, we won the contract. In the end, it was our proven track record and commitment to their success that made the difference.

    Abby Shemesh
    Abby ShemeshChief Acquisitions Officer, Amerinote Xchange

    Overcame Supplier Setback with New Partnerships

    We faced a daunting challenge when a major client expressed interest in partnering with us. They were skeptical about our ability to deliver a wide range of sustainable products, especially given the fierce competition from established giants.

    Determined to prove our worth, we organized a comprehensive presentation showcasing our unique offerings and commitment to sustainability. We meticulously curated a selection of our best products, highlighting their eco-friendly attributes and the positive impact on the environment.

    However, just days before the meeting, a key supplier informed us that they could not fulfill a crucial order. Faced with this setback, we quickly pivoted. We reached out to local artisans and sustainable brands, forging new partnerships to ensure we had a diverse range of products to present.

    On the day of the presentation, we not only showcased our original offerings but also introduced these new collaborations, demonstrating our adaptability and dedication to sustainability. The client was impressed by our resilience and the authenticity of our mission.

    Ultimately, we secured the contract, which became a cornerstone of our growth. This experience taught us that overcoming obstacles is not just about finding solutions; it's about building relationships and staying true to our values.

    Swayam Doshi
    Swayam DoshiFounder, Suspire

    Targeted Content Strategy Secures Training Contract

    One memorable experience was when we were vying for a contract with a major corporate training provider. Despite our established reputation, they were hesitant about our ability to reach their specific audience. We developed a targeted content strategy to address their concerns, leveraging our vast network of expert authors. We created a series of tailored articles and webinars that showcased our deep understanding of their industry. Additionally, we provided detailed analytics to demonstrate our reach and engagement metrics, proving that our platform was the perfect fit.

    This approach won us the contract and strengthened our relationship with the client. We turned a challenging situation into a rewarding partnership by aligning our content strategy with their needs and showcasing our commitment to delivering results.

    Christopher Pappas
    Christopher PappasFounder, eLearning Industry Inc

    Personal Touch Outshines Larger Competitors

    There was a time when I was trying to land a big contract for my adventure-travel company, but we were a small name compared to established competitors. The client wanted assurance of safety and unique experiences, but our limited track record was a challenge. So, I personally crafted a customized travel plan, highlighting the unique touches that only a small, dedicated team could provide, like personalized service and one-of-a-kind routes that big companies couldn't offer. I even arranged for a virtual walk-through of a past trip on a video call to show our expertise in action. We didn't have the big names backing us, but by being transparent, showing passion, and proving our knowledge, we won the contract. It taught me that sometimes the extra effort and personal touch can win against bigger players.

    Swena Kalra
    Swena KalraChief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

    Custom Development and Trust Win Client

    In the early days of RecurPost, we faced a major challenge with a prospective client who was reluctant to switch from their existing social media scheduling tool. They had been using it for years, and the inertia to move away from something familiar was strong. Instead of simply pitching our product's features, I spent time understanding the specific pain points they had with their current solution, even those that weren't directly related to what we offered. This personalized approach required multiple rounds of meetings, custom development, and demonstrating how RecurPost could be molded to fit their unique needs, not just how it compared on a feature-by-feature basis. It was an intense period of building trust and showing that we were genuinely invested in their success.

    Eventually, they made the switch, not just because of our product's capabilities but because they saw us as partners rather than vendors. This experience taught me the importance of going beyond the obvious solutions and really diving deep into what the client needs. It's not always about selling the most features; it's about solving the most pressing problems for your client, even if that means putting in the extra time and effort to tailor your approach.

    Dinesh Agarwal
    Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

    Personalized Proposal Overcomes Underdog Perception

    There was a time at Righ Lawyers when we were competing for a major contract with a client who had complex legal needs and had previously worked with a larger, more established firm. The obstacle was clear: we were seen as the underdog, a smaller firm without the same level of perceived resources or reputation. The client was hesitant, questioning whether we had the capacity to handle their case effectively.

    To overcome this, we took a highly personalized and proactive approach. We started by thoroughly researching the client’s specific needs and concerns, going above and beyond to understand every detail of their situation. We then tailored our proposal to directly address these concerns, highlighting our expertise in the specific areas of law that mattered most to them. We also emphasized the benefits of working with a smaller firm, such as our ability to provide more personalized attention and faster response times.

    During the presentation, we showcased our successful track record with similar cases and provided testimonials from past clients who had faced similar challenges. To further reassure the client, we offered to start with a smaller, pilot project to demonstrate our capabilities before committing to the full contract. This risk-free trial gave them the confidence to move forward with us.

    In the end, our dedication to understanding their needs and our willingness to go the extra mile made the difference. We won the contract, and the client was so impressed with our work during the pilot project that they entrusted us with the entire case. This experience taught me that overcoming obstacles often requires not just proving your capabilities, but also demonstrating your commitment and willingness to tailor your approach to meet the client's specific needs. It was a significant win for our firm and reinforced the value of personalized service and persistence.

    Rock Rocheleau
    Rock RocheleauFounder & Attorney, Right Lawyers

    Personalized Approach Convinces Skeptical Client

    Early in my business, I was competing for a large commercial contract against a well-established company. The client was concerned about our smaller size and ability to handle the job. To win them over, I personally walked them through our processes, showcased our expertise, and even provided a detailed plan tailored to their specific needs. Despite the challenges, our personalized approach and commitment to quality convinced them to give us a chance. That contract became a turning point for our growth.

    Amaury Ponce
    Amaury PonceBusiness Owner, Ponce Tree Services