When Have You Taken a Risk That Paid Off?


    When Have You Taken a Risk That Paid Off?

    In the entrepreneurial journey, risk-taking can lead to breakthroughs or setbacks, but always offers valuable lessons. We've gathered stories from thirteen small business owners, including Founders and CEOs, to share their experiences. From diversifying paid ad investments to investing in quality equipment to spur growth, discover the risks that reaped rewards and the wisdom they gained.

    • Diversify Paid Ad Investments
    • Overseas Virtual Assistant Success
    • Investing in Cutting-Edge Technology
    • Global Team Expansion Pays Off
    • Diversifying Services Attracts Clients
    • Niche Marketing Campaign Triumph
    • Specializing in SEO Amplifies Success
    • E-Commerce Pivot Boosts Sales
    • Flat-Fee Pricing Wins Client Trust
    • Social Media Strategy Attracts Reiki Clients
    • Real Estate Gamble Builds Business
    • Meeting Tight Deadlines Strengthens Reputation
    • Investment in Quality Equipment Spurs Growth

    Diversify Paid Ad Investments

    One big risk I took that paid off was investing $80k in paid ads. Since losing $80k would have been a huge financial loss, I decided to diversify how I spent it to minimize the risk. Result: I made over $800k from that course launch alone. So, here's my takeaway: Taking calculated risks can offer a high ROI, but don't invest more than what you can afford to lose.

    Luisa Zhou
    Luisa ZhouFounder, LuisaZhou.com

    Overseas Virtual Assistant Success

    Hiring a virtual assistant from overseas felt risky at first, since I wasn’t sure if they would meet my standards for quality. But I decided to take the leap of faith, and I was genuinely surprised by how smart and hardworking they turned out to be. Their work is good, and they’re even willing to go the extra mile when given proper training. Not only have they met my expectations, but they’ve also helped me save a lot of money in the process.

    AL Tran
    AL TranBlogger, Author, Ai Trainer, DS Inspire

    Investing in Cutting-Edge Technology

    One significant risk I took as the founder of our legal process outsourcing company was investing in a new, cutting-edge technology platform that promised to revolutionize our case management system. At the time, it was a substantial financial commitment, and there were concerns about whether the technology would deliver as promised.

    Despite the uncertainty, I decided to proceed based on thorough research and the potential long-term benefits. The decision paid off when the new platform dramatically improved our efficiency and accuracy, leading to enhanced client satisfaction and a notable increase in our competitive edge.

    This experience taught me that calculated risks, supported by diligent research and a clear vision, can lead to transformative growth. It reinforced the importance of embracing innovation while managing risks thoughtfully and strategically.

    Aseem Jha
    Aseem JhaFounder, Legal Consulting Pro

    Global Team Expansion Pays Off

    One significant risk we took was expanding our team globally, embracing remote work long before it became standard practice. This decision was driven by our belief in accessing the best talent regardless of location, but it came with challenges in communication and coordination. However, this move paid off by fostering a diverse and highly skilled team that could innovate around the clock. The success of this approach taught us that taking risks on unconventional business practices can yield exceptional results if they align with our core values.

    Our experience with remote work expansion taught me that embracing unconventional approaches can lead to groundbreaking success. It showed that risks involving new ways of working, while initially challenging, can create competitive advantages that set you apart in the industry. This journey highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability in risk-taking, proving that sometimes the most significant rewards come from breaking traditional molds. It confirmed that when risks are aligned with your company’s ethos, they can propel you forward in unexpected and transformative ways.

    Alari Aho
    Alari AhoCEO and Founder, Toggl Inc

    Diversifying Services Attracts Clients

    At Write Right, one of the biggest risks I took was expanding our services beyond just content writing to include copywriting, academic writing, and creative writing. Initially, I wasn't sure if we could effectively manage the broader scope or if our clients would respond positively. But I believed in our team's versatility and expertise, so we went for it. The risk paid off—our client base grew significantly, and we became known for our wide range of writing services. This taught me that diversifying offerings, even when it feels risky, can open up new opportunities and strengthen your brand.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Niche Marketing Campaign Triumph

    One significant risk I took was investing heavily in a niche marketing campaign for my adventure travel company. We chose to target a specific audience with high-value content, which required a large budget and time commitment. Many advised against this approach, fearing it wouldn't pay off. However, the campaign not only brought in a surge of new customers but also established us as a leading voice in that niche. This experience taught me that calculated risks, even when they seem daunting, can yield extraordinary results. It reinforced the idea that embracing well-researched risks can lead to major breakthroughs and set you apart in a crowded market.

    Swena Kalra
    Swena KalraChief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

    Specializing in SEO Amplifies Success

    Taking risks is an inherent part of running a small business, and one of the most significant risks I took was transitioning my business model from offering a broad range of digital marketing services to specializing exclusively in SEO. At the time, this felt like a gamble because I was narrowing my potential client base and focusing on a single service. However, I knew that SEO was where my true expertise lay, and I believed that doubling down on what I did best could yield better results for my clients and, ultimately, for my business.

    This decision paid off in ways I hadn’t anticipated. By becoming highly specialized, I attracted clients who were specifically looking for deep expertise in SEO rather than a generalist approach. It also allowed me to refine my processes, deliver exceptional results, and build a reputation as a leader in the SEO field. What this taught me about risk-taking is that the most rewarding risks are often those that align closely with your strengths. By focusing on what you excel at, you not only differentiate yourself in a crowded market but also set the stage for long-term success.

    Brandon Leibowitz
    Brandon LeibowitzOwner, SEO Optimizers

    E-Commerce Pivot Boosts Sales

    One of the biggest risks I ever took was deciding to pivot my business model to focus more on e-commerce. We had always done well with in-person sales, but I noticed the trend shifting toward online shopping, and I knew we had to adapt. It wasn’t an easy decision, and it required a significant investment in both time and money to build the infrastructure. But once we launched, our online sales grew rapidly, and it opened us up to a whole new customer base.

    The experience taught me that sometimes the riskiest moves are the ones you can’t afford not to make. In today’s fast-changing landscape, staying static is often more dangerous than taking a calculated leap. The key is to make informed decisions, plan for contingencies, and trust that the risk will lead to greater rewards if you’ve done your homework.

    Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen
    Azam Mohamed NisamdeenFounder, Convert Chat

    Flat-Fee Pricing Wins Client Trust

    One significant risk we took at RIGHT Lawyers was shifting from the traditional hourly billing model to a flat-fee pricing structure for many of our legal services. This move was unconventional in the legal industry, where hourly billing is deeply ingrained, and we knew it could potentially reduce revenue if not managed correctly. However, we recognized that clients often felt anxious about the unpredictability of hourly billing, and we believed that offering transparent, flat-fee pricing could differentiate us from our competitors and better meet our clients' needs.

    Implementing this change required us to carefully analyze our services, streamline our processes, and ensure that we could maintain profitability while offering predictable pricing. There was a real concern that this shift might not resonate with clients or that we might miscalculate the time and resources needed for certain cases, potentially leading to financial losses.

    However, the risk paid off significantly. Clients responded overwhelmingly positively to the transparency and certainty that flat-fee pricing provided. They appreciated knowing exactly what their costs would be upfront, which reduced their stress and made them more likely to choose our firm over competitors. As a result, we saw an increase in client retention and referrals, as well as a more predictable revenue stream for our business.

    This experience taught me that taking calculated risks—especially those that put the client's needs first—can lead to substantial rewards. It reinforced the importance of listening to our clients' concerns and being willing to innovate in response to their needs, even if it means stepping outside of industry norms. The success of this risk also encouraged us to continue seeking out ways to improve and differentiate our services, knowing that thoughtful, client-focused changes can drive growth and success.

    Rock Rocheleau
    Rock RocheleauFounder & Attorney, Right Lawyers

    Social Media Strategy Attracts Reiki Clients

    A few months ago, I decided to invest in a more sophisticated marketing strategy for my Reiki sessions. Instead of relying solely on word-of-mouth, I took the plunge to run targeted social media ads and host a free community workshop. This was a significant expense for me, but I believed in the potential to reach more clients.

    The workshop not only filled my space with eager participants but also led to several bookings afterward. It taught me that calculated risks can open doors to new opportunities. Now, I’m seeing a steady stream of clients who have transformed their lives through Reiki, and I can confidently say that stepping out of my comfort zone was worth it!

    Hajnalka Nagy
    Hajnalka NagyBusiness Owner | Reiki Healer, Cosmic Self

    Real Estate Gamble Builds Business

    The single biggest risk I took as a small-business owner was initially betting on myself when I decided that real estate was a viable option for our future. At the time, I did not have systems, contacts, or sustainable capital. Sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else was not making money, so I ultimately bet on myself and dove headfirst into the real estate industry. Getting my first property under contract was a nerve-wracking experience, and I had no idea whether it would work or not, but as long as I was moving forward, I could figure everything else out as the process progressed.

    I ultimately sold the property for a profit and started to build a foundation for what is now my small business. This taught me that sometimes, you just have to take the leap and figure out the details along the way. The experience reinforced the importance of trusting in your ability to problem-solve and adapt, and that often, the biggest rewards come from taking calculated risks.

    Yancy Forsythe
    Yancy ForsytheOwner, Missouri Valley Homes

    Meeting Tight Deadlines Strengthens Reputation

    One of the biggest risks I took at Bella Virtual Staging happened about a year ago. We were approached by a client with a tight deadline for staging a series of luxury properties for a high-profile event. At first glance, the timeline seemed impossible. Our usual process takes a bit longer, but I decided to accept the challenge. I believed in our team's ability to deliver, but I knew that if we missed the deadline, it could tarnish our reputation and relationship with the client.

    So, I rallied the team, and we took a deep dive into optimizing our workflow, cutting out any inefficiencies. We worked some late nights, and I kept communication lines wide open with the client, managing expectations every step of the way. In the end, not only did we meet the deadline, but the client was blown away by the quality of our work. The experience taught me that risk isn't about blindly jumping into the deep end; it's about trusting your team, adapting quickly, and having a clear plan for navigating the unknowns. Sometimes, the biggest gains come from putting faith in your people and pushing beyond what you think is possible.

    JD Lloyd
    JD LloydBusiness Development Manager and Project Manager, Bella Virtual Staging

    Investment in Quality Equipment Spurs Growth

    Early on, I decided to invest in top-of-the-line equipment for Ponce Tree Services, even though it stretched our budget thin. It was a big gamble, but it allowed us to take on larger, more complex jobs that we could not have handled otherwise. The investment paid off by boosting our reputation for quality work, which brought in more clients and helped us grow faster than expected. This experience taught me that calculated risks, especially those that align with your long-term vision, can be game changers. It's all about believing in your capabilities and planning for the future.

    Amaury Ponce
    Amaury PonceBusiness Owner, Ponce Tree Services